The Sculptor’s Inbox: Embracing Emptiness and Stillness Contributor, Michelangelo, the great sculptor, believed that within every block of stone was a statue, waiting to be revealed. It was his task to eliminate the excess, unveiling the masterpiece hidden within. This philosophy, rooted in art, mirrors our quest for an ‘Inbox Zero’ in today’s digital age. Our inboxes, like blocks of stone, are often cluttered. Yet, beneath this digital noise lies clarity. Striving for an empty inbox isn’t just about decluttering; it’s a sculptural act of discerning the essential from the superfluous. But here lies a paradox. In a world equating busyness with importance, an empty inbox challenges us. It suggests that true value often resides in empty spaces, offering reflection and strategic thinking. When left with emptiness and stillness, we confront our true selves. Without digital distractions, we find a meditative silence, rich with potential and purpose. In essence, achieving an empty inbox is akin to a sculptor’s journey. It’s about recognizing hidden potential and embracing the profound power of emptiness and stillness. Business Philosophy